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I am always on the move making things happen. I am a Father, Personal and Career Adviser, Life and Peer Coach among other things. My destination spot from time to time is Las Vegas. So Make sure you watch out for me and What is coming to a town near you!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Some of the Things You May See on Social Network Sites and So Much More May Not Necessarily Be All Real??!!

This is a blogisode (LoL!) of the World According to Mr. Ru. Yes a BLOGISODE!!! I wanted to talk about some of the things you may see on social network sites such as the images of happy families, skinny fit perfect woman, and so much more may not necessarily be all real. There was research taken about people being depressed because of social network sites like Facebook. You ask why get depressed by social networks? Well, some of these depressed people become this way from looking at other sites and seeing these  images and post and feeling worse about their own. They are feeling worse because they are not living the life they feel they should have. So to all depressed people and all others somewhere close in the this depressed vicinity, go out and live your life!! Go out and work out, go out and take that trip, go out and go to the movies. Whatever you do, Live Your Life, Your life is waiting. Take chances and try to stop living vicariously through other peoples page on social networks. Cause while you are watching, the people you are watching are living. For those of you posting, remember there is someone always watching and judging everything you do, everyplace you go, everything you say on social networks. I am not saying it is your fault for posting your images and comments to social networks of your activities and events of life are bad, but i am saying that everything we do nowadays on social media platforms can make an impact in more ways than one, whether positive or negative. Social media has this much influence on society today. It has become an extension of oneself similar to the heart pumping blood to the veins and then to the rest of your body. The purpose of this blogisode is to be aware of the time you invest and spend on social media along with the content you post. Some people take this social network seriously!! For me, I don't!! So don't be mad if I do not accept a request, respond to a post, or click a like right away. I use social media , but I don't live by its rules and terms, it lives by mine!!

Thank you for Reading. Peace!!