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Monday, June 20, 2011

Four Media Technologies

Four Media Technologies Summary
Four media technologies I would like to recognize within mass media are internet, television, newspaper and radio. Each of these technologies is used for different purposes and is intended for different audiences.

The first media technology is the radio. The radio’s purpose is to entertain, share and inform. The radio is commonly effective during driving vehicles, and becoming more popular on the internet for advertisements. The radio is for the informative listener. The radio is a directed towards the listening audience. The writing style for radio has to keep the audience engaged. In radio, the repeating of words and phrases is used frequently especially for advertising. Radio uses broad concepts along with repeating words and phrases in order to be remembered especially when there are no tangible images through radio. The images in radio need to be created through words, and sound. The thing about radio is that there is no second chances so the point of the message has to made right then and there. In radio, messages are designed to be written short and in an active voice and all important and vital information in the start of the radio message. Radio has also been used on the web more frequently due to the increase use of internet.

The internet is another media technology which is made up of interconnected computers that share and transfer data from one to another. This media technology is widely used for businesses, personal, government and education. The internet is used for several purposes such as educational, informational, persuasive and entertainment. The internet is becoming a media source to use for access to social media tools like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and other social media platforms. The internet, also known for accessing the World Wide Web or the information highway connects at for the most instantaneously at real time. This provides messages to be sent faster and reach the receiver in order to encode the message. The result of this has changed the way we listen, receive and report all over the globe. Access is something we all have today and can control what information we would like to receive. The kind of audience you would find on the internet is movie lovers, gossip seekers, working adults just to name a few.

The Television is used for persuading or persuasive media. This media technology is the most popular form of mass communication and also the most expensive. This persuasiveness can be in form of entertainment programs, commercials, and infomercials. You will find an audience that seeks information, shops, votes, and make decisions within this area. You will advertise on television ads where kids or at home and visually stimulated. Kids influence parents, adults to purchase these toys. In television, the writing style is geared towards the visual and audio audience. Television uses both words and pictures together to be effective. For example, news release combines both images and writing based around images called VNR or Video News Releases. This tool is and has been major in introducing a product and making major announcements. Media kits are
another tool used for television. For example, they can be used for the release of new upcoming shows.

The Newspaper is timely information that can be unusual or exceptional. Newspapers presents facts of what’s happening locally, nationally and global. The newspaper is the most cost effective forms of media technology and uses images and key phrases to capture their audience. Newspaper can not only be informative, but persuasive through its content and images. For example, pictures like Coca Cola with condensation dripping down the can with words that say awwww during the hot summer can be persuasive. Another example is voters reading up on facts during election time. The content is very important as the writer of the content. Some news can be delivered in a subjective point of view. The result can persuade a reader to feel a certain way to sway towards one side. A reader can go reread information in the newspaper that can reinstate their feelings and facts on a subject or can re view and an ad over and over again. Media technologies such as television and radio cannot do that. Once the commercial or program is gone, it’s gone until the rerun commercial or show comes on again. The newspaper is one of the oldest mediums where content and images is king.

Several of the media technologies can be interchanged or intertwined in terms of their purpose and how to reach out to different segmented audiences. Having an understanding of who, what, where and how will determine which media technology will be the most effective to use.

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