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I am always on the move making things happen. I am a Father, Personal and Career Adviser, Life and Peer Coach among other things. My destination spot from time to time is Las Vegas. So Make sure you watch out for me and What is coming to a town near you!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why Purpose, Audience, Content and Information? HMMM!

When you are writing an effective blog there are important elements that should be present and visible throughout the process. Understanding a blog and its purpose, audience, along with its content or information and design should never be overlooked.

Keeping your readers on the page and keeping them to come back is based upon these particular elements. First, understanding the purpose of the blog by identifying what is your blog about. These topics can range from personal, profit or non - earning, educational, and/or entertaining. Second, finding your audience needs and understanding their interests. Writing on a subject that bears no relevance or having lack of knowledge on the subject can lose credibility and value with your audience. Third, the content should be always matching the purpose and be well organized. The information or content should always be current and appropriate to the audience. The most important rule in content is that before posting it all should be spellchecked, no matter what. Grammatical errors are just as important as the information being delivered. Fourth, the design of the blog should be consistent, friendly and have clarity. This means avoiding large and bold or small fonts, placing important information at the top, and creating a uniform color that is easy on the eyes are all considered in the design aspects.

Using each of these elements in a blog should be considered and taken under consideration in order to create an effective blog.

1 comment:

  1. When I was researching information for our assignment your blog came up! Hoe awesome is that. i like that tips you gave for developing our blogs to make them better.
