About Me

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I am always on the move making things happen. I am a Father, Personal and Career Adviser, Life and Peer Coach among other things. My destination spot from time to time is Las Vegas. So Make sure you watch out for me and What is coming to a town near you!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Welcome To My Blog!

Good evening to all my readers and viewers!

This is going to be an exciting journey for all of us. I would love to hear your feedback on any of my blogs. Remember, this site and these comments are posted with you in mind.

1 comment:

  1. I like that your blog design is simple and easy to read and follow. At first glance it looks like you haven't done many posts on here. I did finally notice that your blogs were archived. Something you may want to consider is putting your "About Me" section above your "Followers" section. This would be nice for the audience to be able get to read about you and not skip over it because it's not very noticable. One other conseideration you may want to make is by setting up you blog so that your most recent post shows instead of archiving them. Over all though i do enjoy reading your posts.
