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I am always on the move making things happen. I am a Father, Personal and Career Adviser, Life and Peer Coach among other things. My destination spot from time to time is Las Vegas. So Make sure you watch out for me and What is coming to a town near you!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

To Approve Or To Dismiss Is The Question?

To Approve Or To Dismiss Is The Question?
After reading this case study, I recognize this as a performance management situation and need to determine by trouble shooting ways in how to identify the problem in order to either rectify the situation or take further disciplinary actions. My first attempts into correcting the employee and his performance is by addressing this issue with him. I would schedule a counseling meeting with him in person that would establish an improvement strategy. During the meeting, I would recognize and thank the employee for his services to the company over the past two years and that we would like to continue, nurture, and see him grow. Then I would bring to his attention the recent complaints and his substandard level performance. I would explain to him that we would like to help and identify the issue. After the counseling meeting I would summarize the meeting and give the employee his first written notification. If the employee doesn’t agree with the results form the counseling meeting he can appeal it and investigate it more in depth. If the employee continues after 30 days to continue with his sub par performance, I would then inform the employee that I would place him on ninety day probation. If the employee still does not change their attitude, behavior and performance
after the probationary period, I would advise the employee to stay home to re- think his situation and reassess his priorities and professional commitments at the company. I would let him know that he would be instructed to go home with or without pay. During and after the employee has returned back to work is when I and the employee would determine if he has changed his outlook and has had an attitude adjustment or not. I would instruct and deliver to the employee at this stage with a professional written report for the company and to have for his records. If the employee still doesn’t agree, the next time he would be terminated

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